
Deal with disasters through self-help, mutual help, and public helpProtectyourselfProtect your city, yourselfEorts by the prefecture, city, and other administrave bodiesSelf-helpMutual helpPublic helpEvacuaon plan formulated by your familySecure furnitureEmergency supply storage shed management, etc.Disaster prevenon training by local disaster prevenon organizaonsMayor of Toda city Fumihito SugawaraEverywhere in Japan is prone to various disasters. The type of disaster depends on the natural features of the locaon, but they include earthquakes, typhoons, heavy rain, and volcanic erupons. In addion, recent extreme weather has resulted in almost yearly natural disasters such as typhoons and heavy rains, which cause massive damage throughout Japan.Toda City, too, could experience, at any me, any number of disasters, including not only ooding due to localized heavy rains or the Arakawa River ooding but also a major earthquake directly below Tokyo, which there are concerns about.Although the city has implemented various measures in preparaon for these types of disasters, it is probably dicult for the government alone to prevent all damage considering disasters that areas throughout Japan have experienced. Therefore, it is important that each resident understand the disnguishing aspects of the area and prepare for possible disasters before they occur.Toda City formulated the Toda-shi Disaster Prevenon Basic Ordinance in March 2021 in order to minimize damage caused by disasters by marshaling the collecve strength of the government, disaster prevenon related organizaons, residents, and businesses and clarifying the responsibilies of the city, city council, residents, and businesses related to disaster prevenon, emergency response when disasters hit, and recovery.The ordinance promotes disaster prevenon measures and aims to create a local community resilient to disasters by spulang prevenve measures and emergency response based on self-help, mutual help, and public help and each party’s role related to these.You should consider the Toda City Hazard Book (Preserved Version) a family partner, keep a copy of it somewhere easily accessible, and make use of it when necessary.The Toda-shi disaster prevenon basic ordinanceThe disaster prevenon basic ordinance is an expression of the city’s resolve.It was created to comprehensively and systemacally promote disaster prevenon measures, minimize damage, and create a city resilient to disasters.9

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