Certain maps used in this publicaon make use of digital naonal land use informaon (administrave regions and river data) provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.Published byDesign and edingEditorial supervisionToda CityToda City Crisis Control Disaster Prevenon Secon居安思危居安思危 思則有備 有備無患Eng.D.Katada Toshitaka,Project Professor, The University of Tokyo, Interfaculty Iniave in Informaon Studies, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Informaon Studies(Ju-An-Si-Wei)In peace me be vigilant Consideraon is preparedness,The prepared shall not suerJu-an-si-wei (or koanshiki in Japanese) is a well-known Confucian proverb given in the ancient chronicle “Zuo Zhuan” from the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history.“The prepared shall not suer” is widely recognized, but the original contains three parts:1. Even when things are safe, prepare for danger and do not let down your guard2. Mental preparedness in mes of safety is preparaon for danger3. If you are prepared you will be able to react calmly in the face of circumstances.These combine to express the importance of an atude of being ready to manage or prevent disaster even when it is safe.令和2年9月7日戸都計第502号Some of the maps appearing in this book are reproducons of maps in the Toda City Digital Topographic Map data. (Approval Number)
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