●●●●●●Eligible parcipants(Elderly, persons with disabilies, etc.)Welfare centers(Seibu, Tobu, Niizo)(Neighborhood associaon/residents’ council)FireghtersPolice etc.Inform others!Submit applicaonMunicipal ocesEvacuaon supporterProgram overviewWelfare General Administraon DivisionCrisis control disaster prevenon seconCreate an evacuaon support plan for each individual requiring based on the applicaonVoluntary disaster management organizaonsUlize evacuaon assistance during a disaster based on the plan for each individual requiring assistance.(During other mes, use the plan to regularly share neighborhood associaon/residents’ council informaon, discuss eecve ways of providing evacuaon assistance, and so on)※ Please understand that signing up for the system is no guarantee that you will receive evacuaon assistance.※ Personal informaon will be handled appropriately by related city agencies and vulnerable residents evacuaon supporter and used for no other purpose than to serve the aims of this system or provide assistance in a disaster.System parcipants must be registered Toda City residents currently living in the city. One of the following must also apply:(1) The person is 75 or older and living alone, or a household consisng of only elderly persons 75 or older(2) The person has a level 1 or level 2 physical disability cercate (3) The person has an Ⓐ, A, or B rehabilitaon cercate(4) The person has a level 1 or level 2 intellectual disability cercate(5) The person requires level 5,4 or level 3 care under the nursing insurance program(7) The person currently makes use of a service for persons with disabilies (meal delivery or emergency contact system)(8) Elderly persons are more likely to live alone during the dayme (solitary during the day)(6) The person currently makes use of an elder-care service (meal delivery, in-home personal grooming, transportaon, or emergency contact system)Note: Persons suering from terminal diseases who do not meet any of the above eligibility requirements may also request evacuaon support.Eligibility requirementsThis system is designed to oer assistance to the elderly, persons with disabilies, and others who would have diculty evacuang on their own in a disaster. If this descripon ts you or someone you know, make sure that you (or they) are registered for the program!More informaon on the Toda City refuge acon supporter refuge support system requiredhp://www.city.toda.saitama.jp (Toda City website) URLWelfare General Administraon DivisionCrisis Control Disaster Prevenon Secon[Inquiries]TELTEL048-441-1800 048-441-1800Toda City refuge acon supporter refuge support system requiredToda City website Top pageToda City refuge acon supporter refuge support system requiredCrisis control disaster prevenon seconToda City HAZARD BOOKCommunity iniavesCommunity iniaves51
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