
Neighborhood associaons hold evacuaon drills to make sure that the designated protocols are eecve.Residents hear the announcement and proceed to an Emergency Evacuaon Building for Flood Hazard designated by the city or a Temporary Emergency Evacuaon Building forFlood Hazard designated by the neighborhood associaon.We’ve made it to the designated Emergency Evacuaon Building for Flood Hazard.What a relief. Thank you so much.Know the protocol! Parcipate in evacuaon drills.The importance of evacuaon drillsWhen actually faced with a ood situaon, people tend to panic and nd it impossible to act in a controlled way.Parcipang in realisc evacuaon drills is important as a way to stay calm in an emergency and make sure you are always prepared for the unexpected. Once an evacuaon drill has been carried out, neighborhood associaons and residents’ councils also have the opportunity to revise their exisng evacuaon protocols to make them beer.Post–evacuaon drill feedback session (2013)Neighborhood Disaster Preparaon Workshops portalProvides detailed informaon on workshops, Arakawa River overow ood simulaons, animaons showing predicted oodwater depths at well-known city landmarks, and more. The website also provides a map of Temporary Emergency Evacuaon Buildings designated by neighborhood associaons and residents’ councils during past workshops.“Evacuaon instrucon” ocially announced.City hall issues “Evacuaon start of elderly people and others”, followed by an “Evacuaon instrucon” .Makasete Group starts oering assistance to Onegai Group when they hear the “Evacuaon start of elderly people and others” announcement.Toda City HAZARD BOOKCommunity iniavesCommunity iniaves47

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