Have you heard?Neighborhood Disaster Preparaon WorkshopsEven if the Arakawa River overows or some kind of other major disaster occurs, zero casuales should sll be our ulmate goal. To help us achieve it, we are encouraging all neighborhood associaons and residents’ councils to come up with eecve evacuaon protocols and other emergency strategies.Forcing yourself to evacuate in heavy ooding is extremely dangerous. To help save the lives of those who don’t get out in me, neighborhood associaons and residents’ councils are seng up Temporary Emergency Evacuaon Building for Flood Hazardwhere where community members can evacuate. Finding Temporary Emergency Evacuaon Building for Flood HazardIf people get caught and can’t make it to the elementary school, I wonder if they could at least make it to these condos…If we set up several locaons across the neighborhood, people will be able to get themselves to safety without panicking.Just to be safe, let’s sign an agreement with the building manager saying that these oors can be used as an evacuaon building in an emergency. We can be sure that this ve-story condo won’t ood above the third oor.Temporary evacuaon points are places where residents who did not get out in me or whose lives are in danger due to oodwaters in their home can temporarily take refuge in an emergency.Any tall building whose upper oors are not in danger of ooding can serve as a Temporary Emergency Evacuaon Building.Because Temporary Emergency Evacuaon Buildings are only designed for temporary use in crisis situaons, those who go there may nd it dicult to get emergency supplies and may be forced to survive dicult living condions.Once the oodwaters recede, people taking refuge at temporary evacuaon points must be moved to designated evacuaon shelters equipped for longer stays.Upper oors that remain dry can be used as a Temporary Emergency Evacuaon BuildingWhat is a Temporary Emergency Evacuaon Building for Flood Hazard?ommunity iniaves44
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