Breakhttps://www.river.go.jpURL!Alert level 4Alert level 5Evacuaon instruconsSent by emergency mobile alerts and emergency broadcast systemEvacuaon recommendaon was integrated into evacuaon instruconsEvacuaon of all residents from dangerous areasBe sure to evacuate when or before Alert Level 4Disaster hitsEnsure your safety in the case of an emergencyThe order may not necessarily be issued if it is not possible to accurately ascertain the disaster.Life is at risk. Immediately ensure your safety!There is no way to announce local downpour informaon in advanceIt is extremely dicult to release ocial announcements for short, localized bursts of heavy rainfall.Short-term ooding is parcularly common in areas prone to inland or roadway ooding. In addion to waing for evacuaon informaon, it is important to get into the habit of keeping up with JMA weather warnings and advisories. WARNINGRiver heightInformaon available on TV and the internetThe Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (MLIT) provides disaster management informaon on its website.rainfall/water levelMLIT disaster management informaonAdvisory water levelAdvisory water levelWater level to criteria for ood ghng standbyWater level to criteria for ood ghng standbyEvacuaon warning water levelEvacuaon warning water levelHazardous water levelHazardous water levelArakawa RiverToda City Toda City Jisuihashi water level observaon staonArakawa RiverIwabuchisuimon (upstream) water level observaon staonArakawa River7.00m7.50m12.20m12.70m3.00m4.10m6.50m7.70m the locaons of water level observaon staonsAs of March 2021Data broadcasng (push d-buon)What should we do?Study secon: FloodsToda City HAZARD BOOK29
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