
Kawaguchi CitySakura-kuMinami-kuKita WardAsaka CityWako CityShiki CityNishi-kuWarabi CityChuo-kuItabashi WardUrawa-kuMidori-kuMinuma-kuIwatsuki-kuToda CityToda CityMusashino lineTohoku/Joetsu Shinkansen lineTohoku Main lineKeihin-Tohoku lineIkebukuro Line (Route5)Metropolitan ExpresswaySaitama Omiya Route, Metroporitan ExpresswayKawaguchi line Metroporitan ExpresswayTokyo-Gaikan ExpresswayArakawa RiverKamogawa RiverShin-Shibakawa RiverShibakawa RiverKounumagawa RiverShibakawa RiverKawaguchi CitySakura-kuMinami-kuKita WardAsaka CityWako CityShiki CityNishi-kuWarabi CityChuo-kuItabashi WardUrawa-kuMidori-kuMinuma-kuIwatsuki-kuToda CityToda CityMusashino lineTohoku/Joetsu Shinkansen lineTohoku Main lineKeihin-Tohoku lineIkebukuro Line (Route5)Metropolitan ExpresswaySaitama Omiya Route, Metroporitan ExpresswayKawaguchi line Metroporitan ExpresswayTokyo-Gaikan ExpresswayArakawa RiverKamogawa RiverShin-Shibakawa RiverShibakawa RiverKounumagawa RiverShibakawa RiverKawaguchi CitySakura-kuMinami-kuKita WardAsaka CityWako CityShiki CityNishi-kuWarabi CityChuo-kuItabashi WardUrawa-kuMidori-kuMinuma-kuIwatsuki-kuToda CityToda CityMusashino lineTohoku/Joetsu Shinkansen lineTohoku Main lineKeihin-Tohoku lineIkebukuro Line (Route5)Metropolitan ExpresswaySaitama Omiya Route, Metroporitan ExpresswayKawaguchi line Metroporitan ExpresswayTokyo-Gaikan ExpresswayArakawa RiverKamogawa RiverShin-Shibakawa RiverShibakawa RiverKounumagawa RiverShibakawa RiverKawaguchi CitySakura-kuMinami-kuKita WardAsaka CityWako CityShiki CityNishi-kuWarabi CityChuo-kuItabashi WardUrawa-kuMidori-kuMinuma-kuIwatsuki-kuToda CityToda CityMusashino lineTohoku/Joetsu Shinkansen lineTohoku Main lineKeihin-Tohoku lineIkebukuro Line (Route5)Metropolitan ExpresswaySaitama Omiya Route, Metroporitan ExpresswayKawaguchi line Metroporitan ExpresswayTokyo-Gaikan ExpresswayArakawa RiverKamogawa RiverShin-Shibakawa RiverShibakawa RiverKounumagawa RiverShibakawa RiverFloodwaters will arrive in Toda City just 30 minutes aer the breachIf the breach occurs downstream, the southern half of Toda will experience deep oodingThe majority of Toda City will be ooded, with water coming in from upstream as wellTwelve hours aer the breach, the enre city of Toda will be oodedThis map was created based on the Simulaon of Inundaon from Overow of the Arakawara and Irumagawa Rivers (esmated maximum*), a document published by the Arakawa-joryu River Oce and the Arakawa-karyu River Oce, MLIT.Above second oor to second oor eaves levelAbove third oor or higherAbove rst oor to rst oor eaves levelBelow rst oor level1m2m3m4m5mProjected oodwater depth3.0 up to 5 m5 m or more0.5 up to 1 m1.0 up to 3 mLess than 0.5 m22.6 km down le bank from the mouth of the Arakawa RiverNear the JR Keihin-Tohoku Line railway bridge (Iizuka, Kawaguchi)If the breach occurs here, downstream of the cityToda City will sll ood even if the overow occurs downstream of this pointOvertopping will begin upstream at the same me*Rainfall of 632mm in 72 hoursProbability of rain once in 1000years (Published May 30, 2016)30 minutes aer the levee breachSix hours aer the levee breachTwelve hours aer the levee breachMaximum ood depth (maximum cumulave value)Toda City HAZARD BOOKWhat will happen?Study secon Floods17

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