Toda City HAZARD BOOKWhat will happen?Study secon Floods13Two types of oodingHeavy rainfall may cause Toda City to ood. There are two ways that this could happen.The Arakawa or other river could overowRiverwater oodingFloods due to water buildup without river overowInland WatersRare, but causes extensive damage when it occursIf the oodwaters overtop the levee or the levee collapses or fails, the water will surge out with enough force to destroy the homes in its path. In this scenario, the ow of water is typically very fast. Locaons closer to the river are at especially high risk for this type of ooding.More common, but also less dangerousIn this type of ooding, the water typically does not move as fast as it does with a riverwater event. Sll, ow may be more rapid in specic low-lying areas or along steep gradients, and pose signicant risk even at shallow depths. RiverRiverSluicegate
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