What will happen?12Should I evacuate my home if there’s a ood?QHowever, if you are late geng out of the city and your home is not in danger of ooding, you may choose to remain there.A→It is necessary to start long-distance evacuaon early, before the Arakawa River overows (pg. 22–23) →Protecng yourself from a ood of the Arakawa River (pg. 24–25) What if I live in an apartment or condo? Should I do something to prepare? QA. Flooding may cut o your supply of electricity, gas, water, and other essenals and may make it impossible to ush the toilet. Be prepared by having plenty of drinking water and food supplies on hand.→Portable emergency items and emergency stockpiles (pg. 56)AWhat kinds of ooding are likely to occur in Toda City?QIf the Arakawa River overows its banks, the enre city will be deeply submerged. Toda may also experience ooding if the water from a local downpour cannot run o fast enough.→What will happen? (pg. 13–21)ADo I have to evacuate to the placedesignated by the city?QYou are not required to evacuate to the city shelter. Other opons include the homes of friends or family or your workplace.→Where should I evacuate? Evacuaon map (pg. 26–27)AWhere can I get disaster informaon?QTyphoon and rain informaon can be found on TV, on the radio, and on the internet. The city also uses various means of distribung informaon, such as emergency emails and the emergency broadcast system.→How to stay informed(pg. 58–59)AFloodsFloods Q&A
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