
123Katada’s eyeEng.D.Katada Toshitaka,Project Professor, The University of Tokyo, Interfaculty Iniave in Informaon Studies, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Informaon StudiesDon’t make assumponsDo everything you canThere is no guarantee that a disaster will play out the way you think it will. When you are up against nature, the level of destrucon can be beyond anything you can imagine. Be the rst to evacuate and take aconThe steps you take to save your life in a ood are dierent than the ones you take in an earthquake—but in either event, advance preparaon is the key. Once a catastrophe strikes, you must do everything in your power to keep yourself and others safe.Human beings have a tendency to freeze up in an emergency, but if someone takes acon rst, they will naturally follow. Your leadership may not only save your own life and the lives of your family members, but the lives of the people in your community as well.STOP! Remember these key pointsFind out exactly what can happen in a ood or an earthquake.Figure out exactly what you should do in a ood or an earthquake.Once you know what you should do in a ood or an earthquake, gure out what acons are being taken in the community.In recent years, there have been meteorological disasters throughout Japan almost every year, such as the torrenal rains of July 2018, 2019 Typhoon Hagibis, and the torrenal rains of July 2020, and these have resulted in numerous deaths. Natural disasters, including heavy rains and other meteorological disasters, have resulted in greater havoc than expected just like the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake did.At the same me, the pandemic caused by Covid-19 since the end of 2019 has made us once again reexamine “how we protect ourselves.” First, your response and acons, such as wearing masks, washing your hands, and avoiding the 3Cs, are the only way to protect yourself from infecous diseases. If you become infected, you will expose family members and people at schools and your workplace to danger, and how you respond and act protects not only yourself but also your loved ones.This is the same for how you protect yourself in the case of a natural disaster. First, your response and acons—that is, checking what you need to do to respond to disasters and making preparaons in advance and then quickly making decisions when it becomes necessary to evacuate—is the only way to protect not only yourself but also your family and those you love from natural disasters.Natural disasters occur at various intervals, every couple decades, every couple centuries, or even once every thousand years like the Great East Japan Earthquake. However, it could be the next torrenal rain or earthquake that hits Toda City. This hazard book covers the essenals of how you can protect yourself at that me.First, you should know what will happen to Toda City when a disaster hits and envision what you and your family should do in that situaon. In addion, you should think about what you should actually do to protect yourself using this hazard book. This is the rst step to protecng not only yourself but also your loved one, your family.10

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